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Some of the Best SEO Learning Tips

Know your geographic market and ensure your domain has the correct TLD.

If your primary market is the UK it is important to use a .UK TLD and ideally have your domain hosted on UK based servers.

Include keyword in Domain name

Try to include keyword in your domain name. This may also show best results.

Create as much content about subject as you can.

Create as much good content as you can with keyword stuff. After that divide this into some 3 or 4 sections.

Find the Best Keywords

You should invest some energy into finding the best keywords. There are several SEO tools available on the Internet to help you find the best keywords. Tip: Don't be deceived by organizations that require you to register first. The two most popular resources are WordTracker and KeywordDiscovery.com.

Use your keywords as anchor text when linking internally

Anchor text helps tells spiders what the linked-to page is about. Links that say “click here” do nothing for your search engine visibility.

Your Website Title must be relevant

The title of your website must be relevant to the content on the site. Since Google only displays the first 66 or so characters, so keep the title length under 66 characters.

Optimize Your META Tags

META tags are hidden code read only by search engine webcrawlers (also called spiders). They live within the HEAD section of a web page.

The META tags you need to be the most concerned about are:

1. Description

2. Keywords

The length of these Meta tags mostly used is “0 to 250 “characters.

For keywords we have to use up to 1250 characters. But “0 to 250 characters” is mostly preferable.


Anonymous said...

Solid Tips!
You may want to touch on the research aspect of SEO and which tools are helpful for developing a strategy. I like to use SEO Quake, PageRanker, Keyword Tracker, Trellion, and Google Analytics.

Anonymous said...

nice tips keep it up..