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Avoid things that Search Engines Hates

Dealing with Frames

A framed site is one in which the browser window is broken in to two or more parts, each of which holds a Web Page. Frames cause a number of problems as following:

  • Some search engines have trouble getting through the frame-definition or frameset page to the actual web pages.
  • If the search engine gets through, it indexes individual pages, not frame sets. Each page is indexed separately.
  • You cannot point to a particular page in your site. This may be a problem in the following situations:

Linking campaigns. Other sites can link to only the front of your site; they can’t link to specific pages during link campaign.

Pay-per-click campaigns. If you are running a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, you cannot link directly to a page related to a particular product.

Placing your products in the shopping directories. In this case, you need to link to a particular product page.

Search Engine Spamming Techniques that should be avoided

Use of Invisible text:
Using invisible text is an extremely common search spamming practice in which a spammer uses a similar color for fonts as well as the background. Invisible text is used to stuff pages with keywords that are visible to search engines, but invisible to the viewers. All major search engines today can identify this kind of spamming easily and can penalize the site.

Stuffing keywords:
Keyword stuffing can be done in many ways. One most common way of doing this is by using invisible text. Other methods involve using keywords in very small fonts at the bottom of pages, using keywords in hidden tags (like no frames tag, alt tags, hidden value tags, option tags etc.) or stuffing the main content with repetitive keywords. Keyword stuffing is a trick that most search engines today are able to sniff out.

Link Spamming:
Link Spamming is the process of spamming search engines by getting thousands of inbound links from link farms, forums, blogs, free to all pages, unrelated websites or even by registering hundreds of domains and getting links from all of them generating a link empire. To put it in simple words link spamming is the process of getting inbound links through unethical practices solely for the purpose of ranking higher in search engines.

Most search engines give high level of importance to in-bound links and consider them as an indication that the site is credible. Participating in free for all and linking farms can get any site thousands of in-bound links, which can make them look important in the eyes of the search engines when they actually aren't. Most search engines today have come up with strict measures to deal with such kind of spamming and can even ban an involved website completely from their search listings.

Simply put, cloaking is any process that involves presenting search engines with one set of information and the visitors with another. The copy presented to the search engines is highly optimized and hence the search but may rank it higher.

Creating Doorway Pages:
Doorway pages are pages that are highly optimized for search engines. They are similar to junk pages and contain nothing but keywords and irrelevant content. When a visitor enters such a page, his is either automatically redirected or asked to click on a JavaScript link.

It is not necessary that all doorway pages should always look this way. There are ways in which good and related information can be provided making the doorway pages an informative page instead of a page that contains nothing but junk. Only when one tries to take shortcuts does he relent to creating junk pages instead of offering informational content.

Page redirects:
Often people create spam filled Web pages intended for the eyes of search engines only. When someone visits those pages, they are redirected to the real page by META refresh tags, CGI, Java, JavaScript, or server side techniques. There are legitimate reasons for cloaking and similar techniques, but don't use them unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Duplicate Content:
Its Possible that content duplication is the single biggest SEO problem faced by websites today. Whether the duplication is interntional or not, presenting the same content to search engines under multiple URLs can cause a site to be ranked poorly or penalized. In some cases, it prevents indexing entirely.